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Avoid Gaining the Covid 20lbs by...

We all know the saying about teens going off to college and gaining the Freshman-15...

What I've been helping people do while being quarantined is
Avoiding the COVID- 20... GAINING Twenty pounds that is!

I've been doing that in 1 of 3 ways...

1) Develop a Strong Offense for your Health

  • Home Workouts via FB lives and Live Zoom chats

  • Beachbody on Demand exercise programs (700+ workouts)

  • Workout Schedule (Stop following random live workouts, follow a schedule and know what you're working towards)

    (Join group with this Link) or click the picture below


2) Build a GREAT Defense for your Wellness 

  • Portion Control (stay away from boredom and emotional eating)

  • Home Delivery (what foods are you having delivered?)

  • Nutritional Knowledge (learn new recipes, habits, and ideas)




3) Find YOUR Team

  • Join a social media group
    (find one that fits your needs, goals, and aligns with your values)
    * Here's one that I run Fit for Adventure Lifestyle Group

  • Find a Coach/Mentor (who's helping keep you on track?)


Right now I'm putting the finishing touches that will combine all 3 of those areas in 1 easy to find, easy to follow location...

Until then if you need help in any of the above 3 areas feel free to hop on a
FREE call with me (I normally charge $250 for a call like this) 

Click this LINK and set up FREE strategy session call with me :) 

Stay Safe and Stay following the above advice!


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