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3 Steps to Easily Achieve ANY Adventure...That You're Probably Not Taking

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2019

Random only happens when you first plan…


Unless you stayed away from social media or the news, this past weekend we saw
Eliud Kipchoge not only beat the fastest marathon time, but shatter it! 


It was an unofficial race because of 5 pacers, the hydration/nutrition being provided, and it was an unofficial course, but


With all that preparation, planning, and execution he was able to do what NO ONE in the world has been able to do yet.


Break the 2 hour mark for a 26.2 mile run. He did it in 1:59:40, just under a 4:34 min/mile pace. In case you were wondering.


What I love about this,

Isn’t the fact that he is the 1st person to break the 2 hour mark… 


Isn’t the fact that there is a new “unofficial” marathon record... 


Nor is it the fact that the human body and mind are capable of ANYTHING we set out to achieve…


What I love about this is that I know exactly how he accomplished this incredible feat, and anyone can do it if they follow the 3 Steps I teach all my Adventure Seekers looking to add more adventure/experiences into their lives. 


Crazy right?!


An olympic athlete and world record holder, proving a system that I been working on for years.


In reality….it’s not that crazy at all.


Most people at that level are following these 3 Steps unconsciously.


And that’s because at that high of a level they just know what to do in order to achieve the goals and adventures they are setting out for.


The difference is that, being an elite athlete myself, I’ve unconsciously AND consciously used these steps myself and have taken the time to put them in a step by step system so that ANYONE looking to add more adventure into their lives, can.


The First Step is the easiest and one we take all too often and then forget about the second two. Which is a big reason we tend to miss out on opportunities.


1) Dream of the Adventures/Experiences

In order to have an adventure we have to dream of it first.


The second Step Eliud Kipchoge, and other adventure seekers do all the time. And that’s plan out what needs to be done in order to get ready for the task at hand.


2) Plan out and Prepare for your Adventure

This step allows you to be physically, financially, and mentally ready for the adventure you’re looking to have. 


The last step is to become an Adventure Seeker…


3) Be the Adventure Seeker

This step allows you to up your game, attempt the adventure, and celebrate or learn from  the experiences you had. You also are able to create your next adventure here.


It’s a lifestyle not a quick fix.


My question for you is what’s holding you back from taking the 2 two Steps more often?

And if you need some ideas make sure you go download my,
Just Click the Link Below!
Top 10 Adventures to have for $50 or less!


Hop on a call with me to Figure out which of the 3 Steps you're struggling with

Fit for Adventure Strategy Call (Free 15 min call)


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