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About Me

Have you ever felt like you wanted to get away from the mindless daily tasks and start having more exciting new experiences?

Me too!  Just like you, I used to get caught up in the monotony of my everyday life, where I’d wake up go to work, come home, prepare for the next day, and then go to bed so I could do it all over again. I never felt like I was getting ahead or like things were exciting anymore.

And what made it worse was days I was by myself I was less likely to go try something new because I didn't want to do it alone. 

I tried all the usual stuff…get away for a weekend, try a new restaurant, and take a random road trip and see where we ended up. 

You see, the reason those things don’t usually work is there’s no challenge that comes along with that. It’s just something that distracts you momentarily from your usual lifestyle.

For me personally, I like a regimen with my workouts, nutrition, and schedule. This held me back because I wasn’t allowing myself to experience more outside of my regular schedule.

Then one day I made the decision that I was going to sign up for a tough mudder after a client suggested to me that I get involved with the group he had recently started competing in these OCR races with.
It was something I always said I wouldn’t do because of the cold weather, crazy obstacles, and mental challenge it entailed. 


What's even crazier is the reasons I kept myself from trying something like this ended up being the reasons I now compete in OCR races as well as what I look for when trying something new.

Because of that I created my Adventure teaching map. It’s a step-by-step learning process that helps you get away from the mindless everyday tasks while also disconnecting from stress, and adding more Adventure in your life, whatever that may look like for you (which you'll define in the ADVENTURE teaching map). 

 Once I was able to accomplish this, my life went from normal day to day life to...

WHERE and WHAT is Bryant up to now and can I join him?

 In fact, I’ve gotten to compete on American Ninja Warrior, complete numerous spartan sprints, supers, beasts, and an Ultra, was a Master Trainer at the 2016 Rio Olympics, and visited over 300 breweries in the US, Canada, and Europe.


If you’re ready to finally cross any finish line with confidence the right way, then I promise you’ll find my coaching and teaching process, extremely helpful…

In fact, I’ve got some great free trainings that will help you hit the next level.  Just click the button at the top of the homepage of my site.  Then you’ll tell me where you’d like me to send your free training.

 Deal?  It’s my mission to pass my knowledge on so you don’t make the same dumb mistakes I did.

 Go do that now, and welcome aboard!

 -Bryant Edwards


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