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Age isn't a number...It's an excuse to do MORE!

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2019

Have you ever said, "I'm too old to be doing something like that."

Or "I would love to do that, but I have no one that would do it with me."

Keep that second one PG please, or don't completely up to you...

The point is that as we get older 2 things usually happen, 

  1. We get older
  2. We start to lose out on the friends who are up for anything

And because of those 2 things happening we start letting the excuses come in which stop us from experiencing the activities we enjoyed at a younger age. 

All because we THINK we are too old, or we just don't want to do it alone.


What if I told you that we are using the AGE excuse all wrong.

Let me tell you why...

What typically comes to mind when you think about getting older?

  • Achey muscles and joints
  • More responsibilities (bills, kids, housework, work work, etc)
  • Less and less active
  • Increased body fat
  • More medications 
  • Less friends to go be active with (more friends that just want to eat and drink)
  • Higher risk of getting injured (but did you die?)


And the list could go on, but those are the mains excuses that come up as we get older. 


The problem with those age related excuses, is that they aren't what we should be associated with Adventure as we get older. 


With age comes Experience and Knowledge.

Older you knows that if you do a certain activity, you need to prepare and train for it instead of just "hopping" right in... 
Whereas younger you, would have done it, got hurt, or been sore for a week after.

Older you knows how to prioritize your responsibilities in order to enjoy a night out with the guys/girls... 
Younger you would have blown off the responsibilities and then scrambled to try and get it done last minute, wondering why they didn't have the time. 

Older you appreciates the smaller close group of like minded friends because you don't have to do as many things you don't like doing...
Younger you would join any group of friends and complain if you didn't like what you were doing. 

Older you has the finances to travel to the places you want and not have to rough it staying on a friends couch for free, and instead enjoying a nice hotel room with or without friends. 
Younger you would try to travel as cheap as possible, just to save a buck while waking up to bars sticking in their back from the futon they crashed on. 


Age is not a reason to stop doing stuff, 

It's a reason to start doing more...

Let's start by doing one simple little thing....stop saying the below phrase!



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