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How Are You Doing With Your Goals?

Setting these types of Goals are a Guaranteed way to NOT reach them...

How many of you have said one or more of these, or something along the same line?

The reason people don't hit these types of goals is because they are surface level, generalized goals with no real meaning behind them. 

And even worse... 
Everybody wants them, says them because it's what we think someone else wants to hear, Which means they aren't personalized to YOU. 

So how do we then; 
  • Stop repeating the same goal month after month/year after year
  • Turn the Surface level goals into Personalized Goals
  • Increase YOUR confidence in order to achieve your Goals


It's Simpler than you think...

All you have to do is ask the question, "Why?"


And then repeat 5 times or until you can no longer answer the question. 


Here's an example of what I mean...

Goal:  I really just want to lose 5-10 lbs... 


Because my clothes aren't fitting just right yet, and I think if I lose 5-10 lbs I will feel better about the way they look and therefore the way I look...


Well I just broke up with my significant other, and don't feel confident in my body or the way I look to go out and meet someone new.

If I lost the weight my clothes would fit better and I would feel more confident...


Because if I'm confident in myself, I'll feel better about meeting someone new and asking them out or them asking me out...


Chances are you can probably relate to that scenario because a break-up is one of the top reasons people are looking to get themselves in better shape, and we've all at one point been through it. 


The difference between the person wanting to lose 5-10 lbs and the person willing to admit they want to lose the 5-10 lbs in order to look better, build their confidence up, and get themselves back out in the dating game is huge!! 


That's the reason asking yourself WHY can be such a Simple, yet powerful tool! 

Once you have a stronger reason behind what you are working towards you can end up 10X'ing your ability to hit that goal.

Don't you want to increase your ability to reach the goals you're setting out for?


So what's the REAL reason you are going after the goal you are working towards?


If you aren't sure, or struggle pushing yourself to dive deeper feel free to set up a 15 minute assessment call with me and let's dive at least 1 level deeper and see where we can go....

(Click the link on the right hand side of this page to set up a call)



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